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I was once asked if you could have only one portion of Scripture to read for the rest of your life, what would it be? I answered that it would be a tough decision, but it would either be Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount or the letter of James. I then went on to explain how both the Sermon on the Mount and James offer practical ways of living out the Christian faith. They are both practical in providing lessons for life in following the way of Jesus. St. Mark UMC, for the month of September we will be in a sermon series, Lessons for Life, as we journey through James’s letter together. In addition, beginning September 8th at 3pm in the Bypass Campus Sanctuary, I will be leading a Bible Study of James so that we can dive deeper into James than what the sermon allows. I look forward to seeing you in worship and the Bible Study.
-Rev. Jason Wilson
September 1st – James 1:17-27
-Rev. Jason Wilson at the Bypass Campus 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM
-Rev. Robby Lybrand at the Rivers St. Campus 8:45 AM at 11:15 AM
September 8th – James 2:1-10, 14-17
-Rev. Jason Wilson at the Bypass Campus 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM
-Rev. Robby Lybrand at the Rivers Street Campus 8:45 AM and 11:15 AM
September 15th – James 3:1-12
-Rev. Jason Wilson at the Bypass Campus 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM
with Rev. Joey Gambrell assisting in worship at 11:00 AM
-Rev. Robby Lybrand at the Rivers Street Campus 8:45 AM and 11:15 AM
September 22nd – James 3:13-4:3, 7-8
-Rev. Jason Wilson at the Bypass Campus 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM
with Rev. Joey Gambrell assisting in worship at 11:00 AM
-Rev. Robby Lybrand at the Rivers Street Campus 8:45 AM and 11:15 AM
September 29th – James 5:13-20
One Church Worship at the Bypass Campus 8:30 AM and 11:15 AM.
Rev. Jason Wilson preaching with Rev. Joey Gambrell and Rev. Robby Lybrand assisting in worship.